Following last week’s discovery of an illegal shipment of pork from China, The National Pork Producers Council called prevention of the spread of African swine fever a “top priority.” 
Last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced that it intercepted a large shipment of illegal pork products from China before it could enter the United States. 
Farm groups say the shipment could have contained pork contaminated with African swine fever. 
It is illegal to import pork products from countries, like China, that are positive for African swine fever to the United States. 
In its statement, NPPC said “Illegal import/export activities like this can’t stand and must be met with swift and severe penalties.” 
USDA credits enhanced protection measures to combat the spread of African swine fever for the interception. 
The contraband shipment, which will be destroyed in accordance with U.S. government policy, reportedly contained products derived from pork, such as flavorings in ramen noodles, and did not include fresh meat.


Photo by © U.S. Customs and Border Protection

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