
(NAFB) – The Environmental Protection Agency’s Farm, Ranch, and Rural Communities Advisory Committee recently issued a report on the Waters of the U.S rule.

“NCBA strongly supports the committee’s recommendation to develop a clear and limited WOTUS definition and protect key exemptions for common agricultural features,” says Scott Yager, NCBA’s Chief Environmental Counselor. “NCBA encourages the EPA to listen to its own advisory committee’s recommendations, which are clear: farmers and ranchers need clear rules and regulatory certainty.”

Among the recommendations are ensuring EPA’s compliance with the Clean Water Act and Supreme Court precedent limiting federal jurisdiction over bodies of water. They also recommend a clear definition of WOTUS that’s easily interpreted by farmers and ranchers and protecting WOTUS exemptions for common agricultural features like farm ditches and stock ponds, prairie potholes, and other small, isolated water features.

They also recommend that EPA reconsider the roundtable process to make sure all stakeholders have a voice in the rulemaking process.