

Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service


An annual poll of registered voters by the National Biodiesel Board shows a candidate’s support for policies to promote clean energy, including biodiesel and renewable diesel use, can influence votes. NBB CEO Donnell Rehagen stated, “Voters are consistent year-to-year in saying they support political candidates who champion federal policies to encourage development and use of cleaner fuels.” Among the respondents, nearly three-quarters, 73 percent, had previously heard some information about biodiesel. More than half, 57 percent, of all respondents agreed that federal policy should encourage use of biodiesel and renewable diesel. When asked if federal policy should support petroleum, 45 percent said “no,” while only 34 percent said “yes.” Nearly four of every five respondents expressed support for existing federal programs that encourage increased production and use of advanced biofuels, and 78 percent of respondents support the federal tax incentive for biodiesel. Finally, 79 percent of those surveyed said they support the Renewable Fuel Standard, and would encourage local communities and governments to promote use of biodiesel.

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